I can only spare a few GB or so day from my home internet, so I set the
ACCOUNTING MAX daily limit to 3GB (in + out = 6GB) and RELAYBANDWIDTHRATE
to 200KB (BURST 400KB), after much experimenting this was the balance
between not hibernating before the 24hr are over and leaving enough bytes
left over for me + my house 4K netflix use.

Recently, 3GB daily limit hasn't been enough to last the 24 hours some days
it went offline at the afternoon, I raised ACCOUNTINGMAX to 4GB and it
seems fine.

Perhaps this is related to the recently trends (I am non-exit, middle
only). Unfortunately I do have to reboot my relay once a week or so due to
updates or other people I live with messing with the home router's reset
switch when they deem their netflix over wifi experience to be poor so I
will probably never get the guard flag.

On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Iomega <iom...@protonmail.ch> wrote:

> I run a small relay and it went down intermittently during Nov 1 to Nov
> 25, with a lot of hiccups [1] since I started it earlier in the year, which
> may or may not be due to this attack. It is my first and only relay so I
> cannot relate.
> What I can say is that during most of that time in November, the relay was
> running, the instance was running, tor was running (if with an older
> version), there were no traffic restrictions I can say, etc.
> Obviously after that period the relay lost its Guard flag, and since
> the relay it seems to be catching up quickly, actually with much
> more traffic than any time before.
> In the past days I did a lot of cleanup so I cannot provide logs (I barely
> log notices, not even that if there are no issues).
> [1] https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/1FA8F638298645BE58AC9052766808
> 89CB795A94
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Decline in relays
> Local Time: December 26, 2017 11:16 AM
> UTC Time: December 26, 2017 11:16 AM
> From: zwie...@quantentunnel.de
> To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> Hash: SHA256
> Am 23-Oct-17 um 15:32 schrieb David Goulet:
> Since July 2017, there has been a steady decline in relays from ~7k
> to now ~6.5k. This is a bit unusual that is we don't see often such
> a steady behavior of relays going offline (at least that I can
> remember...).
> It could certainly be something normal here. However, we shouldn't
> rule out a bug in tor as well. The steadyness of the decline makes
> me a bit more worried than usual.
> That being said, I don't have an easy way to list which relays went
> offline during the decline (since July basically) to see if a
> common pattern emerges.
> So few things. First, if anyone on this list noticed that their
> relay went off the consensus while still having tor running, it is
> a good time to inform this thread :).
> Second, anyone could have an idea of what possibly is going on that
> is have one or more theories. Even better, if you have some tooling
> to try to list which relays went offline, that would be *awesome*.
> a) Please find two pictures which show tap[1] and ntor[2] in 2016 and
> 2017 for a certain relay. Obviously the number of tap/ntor increases
> since July 2017.
> b) Taps becoming hourly massive on all my guards since October 2017.
> c) An other relay had the largest amount of taps. It received 6
> million taps. The tap flood took 65 minutes and the tor cpu power went
> up from 60% before to 120-210% during the flood.
> I can not prove but because of outbound packet abuse letters from an
> ISP I start thinking if this is an other measure to damage guard/hsdir
> flags. Beside the enormous consumption of cpu resources.
> I hope this helps.
> [TAP 1] https://i.imgur.com/jDj3M5W.jpg
> [NTOR 2] https://i.imgur.com/jDncdMx.jpg
> ------------------------------
> Cheers, Felix
> Version: GnuPG v2
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> 1Sar8xKb/lw+xQAOoV27
> =Nqx3
> ------------------------------
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