Manuel Gebauer <> wrote:

> I learned that the qualification "not select or modify" acually IS
> present in German law. § 8 TMG says, that the service provider is
> not responsible in so far as he did not "chose or modify" the
> transmitted information.
> Although, the greater risk in my opinion, comes from the question
> if tor operators can be seen as service providers who would be
> exempt from responsibility for transmitted information under the
> term of this law. There's no precedence to my knowledge, but
> private wireless APs are in fact not exempt from responsibility.

Citation needed.

As far as precedence is concerned, I believe that all the Tor-related
raids in Germany (that I became aware of) ended with the state attorney
closing the investigation (against the Tor operator) after finally
realising that the offending traffic came through Tor.


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