Standard file formats seem fine, non?

On Thu, 20 Feb 2025, 21:20 _ _, <> wrote:

> Hey,
> I disagree with this because if an attacker could write to the environment
> variable used by the program or is able to side-load a library and capture
> outbound packets, it is very likely that they already have privileged
> access to the machine.
> However, I acknowledge that allowing an attacker to easily access these
> functions is not desirable.
> In this specific case, environment variables are secure enough.
> Romain
> Le jeu. 20 févr. 2025, 10:15, Bellebaum, Thomas <
>> a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I have just become aware of this draft and I believe there might be a
>> good cautionary addition I would like to propose:
>> Specifically, I am worried that with further encouragement to standardize
>> this format, it will become a convenient way to surveil unsuspecting end
>> users. All this requires is "some" access to the system, for many
>> implementations this includes setting an environment variable. What an
>> attacker gains is then something more reliable, machine-readable (and in
>> many cases useful) than a simple keylogger.
>> The problem here (in my opinion) is the word "unsuspecting". I would like
>> to see an addition to the draft along the following lines:
>> > A TLS application interacting with an end-user (e.g. a browser) MUST
>> clearly communicate any requests to log TLS secrets to the user and MUST
>> NOT indicate a secure connection.
>> Otherwise, this draft looks fine to me.
>> Thanks for your efforts,
>> Thomas
>> --
>> ```
>> M.Sc. Thomas Bellebaum
>> Applied Privacy Technologies
>> Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC
>> Lichtenbergstraße 11, 85748 Garching
>> <,+85748+Garching?entry=gmail&source=g>
>> near Munich (Germany)
>> Tel. +49 89 32299 86 1039
>> ```
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