> I think we should abandon this effort and not publish.
> When initially proposed this was supposed to be documenting a
> deployed reality. I could just about hold my nose with that,
> but adding in ECH (for which key exfiltration is not currently
> deployed, nor seemingly needed) and the IANA considerations make
> this much more unacceptable.
> While I expected to be in the rough for the initial proposal I
> do hope others find this as unacceptable as I do and we don't
> publish.
> Including ECH here is IMO not necessary - there is no history
> of needing that for debugging purposes so adding it based on
> speculation is IMO wrong and a fatal error.
> This is now extensible (via IANA specification required) which
> is a problem as that means anyone can likely define new ways
> to exfiltrate secrets from TLS implementations without any WG
> overview. That IMO is another fatal error.
> Less importantly, but still substantively, the draft does not,
> but should, recommend that this feature only be available via
> conditional compilation (where available) and not be part of
> any standard library or other release. If publishing, we should
> be aiming for the strongest possible implementation guidance
> in that respect.
> Thanks,
> S.

It seems to me that there are multiple concerns about the real-world (rather 
than just technical) implications of this specification.
Might I suggest polling for opinions regarding the concerns at the IRTF working 
groups concerned with affected real-world implications?

Concretely, according to their RG charters:

- HRPC aims "To expose the relation between protocols and human rights, with a 
focus on
the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly."

- Similarly, PEARG aims to "understand the privacy implications in a wider 
context", although this may refer mainly to the specific privacy enhancing 
technologies intended by the RG members.




M.Sc. Thomas Bellebaum
Applied Privacy Technologies
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC

Lichtenbergstraße 11, 85748 Garching near Munich (Germany)
Tel. +49 89 32299 86 1039


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