Currently RFC 8446 (and RFC8446bis) do not forbid the reuse of ephemeral
keys.  This was the consensus of the working group during the development
of TLS 1.3.  There has been more recent discussion on the list to forbid
reuse for ML-KEM/hybrid key exchange.  There are several possible options


   Keep things as they are (ie. say nothing, as was done in previous TLS
   versions, to forbid the reuse of ephemeral keys) - this is the default
   action if there is no consensus

   Disallow reuse for specific ciphersuites.  It doesn’t appear that there
   is any real difference in this matter between MLKEM/hybrids and ECDH here
   except that there are many more ECDH implementations (some of which may
   reuse a keyshare)

   Update 8446 to disallow reuse of ephemeral keyshares in general.  This
   could be done by revising RFC 8446bis or with a separate document that
   updates RFC 8446/bis

We would like to know if there are folks who think the reuse of keyshares
is important for HTTP or non-HTTP use cases.


Joe, Deirdre and Sean
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