Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer) writes:
> My real question is "why is there such push-back from such a small change?"

For the same reason there would have been pushback if the KEM rollouts
had done PQ instead of ECC+PQ: that would have been reckless from a
security perspective.

Consider CECPQ2b, which applied ECC+SIKE to real user data. Replacing
ECC+SIKE with SIKE is a very small code change to skip the "ECC+" part,
but this would have had much larger security consequences against
attacks known today: the change would have made the connections
exploitable in seconds even _without_ a quantum computer.

Of course, that wasn't known back then. Many people were enthusiastic
about SIKE (see, e.g.,, praising its
small keys and how secure it supposedly was. Only a few people (me, for
example) were on record sounding alarm bells about SIKE. Fortunately,
the cryptographic community's habitual overconfidence was overridden by
common-sense security practices. Those practices include keeping an ECC
layer just in case the PQ layer goes horribly wrong.

> I would understand it if there were a real security vulnerability at stake,

This is like claiming in 2021 that there's no vulnerability in SIKE,
ergo might as well simplify ECC+SIKE to SIKE. accumulates attack data for the 69
round-1 submissions to the NIST competition, and finds that 48% have
been broken already. That's counting only mathematical breaks, ignoring
all the implementation breaks such as KyberSlash.

> however if we believe that ML-DSA has a real security vulnerability,
> we ought to abandon it entirely

We're not talking about the extreme case of deploying something today
that has already been broken. We're talking about managing _risks_ of
_future_ attacks. The reason to upgrade from ECC to ECC+PQ is to
simultaneously address (1) the risks of quantum attacks by year Y for
various Y and (2) the risks of the PQ parts being broken.

> I don’t believe that it is reasonable for the working group to demand
> that everyone make that same trade-off

Laissez-faire is a security disaster, as illustrated by the history of
TLS, not to mention the broader history of security. TLS 1.3 learned
from this and prohibited various things that were allowed before.

I'm not saying that more options are always worse. I'm saying that one
has to look at the details, rather than resorting to generic arguments
such as "more options are better" or "I've heard that someone will pay
for this ergo IETF should allow it".

> allowing such differing trade-offs is just assigning a few additional
> code points

I quoted two examples of proposals of non-hybrid adoption and non-hybrid
standardization. Have those proposals been withdrawn?

There are more possibilities, as ekr noted. Some are easier than others,
but the WG's top priority should be security. RFC 7465, banning RC4,
took more work than leaving RC4 in place, but was still the right thing
to do from a security perspective.

---D. J. Bernstein

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