Scott Fluhrer (sfluhrer) writes:
> My real question is "why is there such push-back from such a small change?"

For the same reason there would have been pushback if the KEM rollouts
had done PQ instead of ECC+PQ: that would have been reckless from a
security perspective. 
Given how the two (KEM and DSA) are used, and what threats may exist against 
each of them, I think it’s perfectly fine to use PQ instead of ECC+PQ here. 
> however if we believe that ML-DSA has a real security vulnerability,
> we ought to abandon it entirely

We're not talking about the extreme case of deploying something today
that has already been broken. We're talking about managing _risks_ of
_future_ attacks. 
My crystal ball says that ECC will get broken before PQ, at least in case of 

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