Dear Vincent, TeXmacs developers,
Your email has inspired me to create a "wiki post" on the forum where
short code snippets can be gathered to customize TeXmacs' behaviour:
Various such snippets had been posted to the forum already, but in this
way we can collect them in one place. Everyone can now also post
solutions that they have found on their own (and hence have not been
posted before), but could still be useful for others to see.
Some of the customizations you would like are already there. Please
have a look.
Everyone else is kindly invited to share any customizations that you
have lying around that may be useful to others. The post on the forum
can be edited by any registered user, just click the "Edit" button at
the bottom of the main post.
Best wishes,
On Tue, 8 Jun, 2021 at 19:49, vincent douce via Texmacs-dev
<> wrote:
for me :
- how to parameter TeXmacs so that you can easily and efficiently
save a pdf version in the samefolder with the same name than the .tm
- how to parameter TeXmacs so that you can easily and efficiently
save a .html version in the samefolder with the same name than the
.tm file
- how to customize totally all the shortcuts, and save your
configuration in a file that you can share with others
- how to create macros that will be available in every new texmacs
doc you open, for example id(n) would create the n-identity matrix
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