Respested Sir; hello;
i ve got P!!! 500 MHz,64 Mb SD RAM,i810
E motherboard in my computer. I wanted to install Red Hat linux 7.0
version(i ve it's cd).But i am facing serious problems in the very begining of
the installation.I am not been able to boot my computer through the cd rom
drive.I have tried to boot it from boot diskette,and then i
tried linux hdX=cdrom by replacing X with other variable.But
this was'nt working.I have got windows ME so
restart in MS dos is not available so no way to boot cdrom by
none of it & other alternatives are
- [techtalk] (no subject) Bravard, Mark
- Re: [techtalk] (no subject) Magni Onsoien
- Re: [techtalk] (no subject) Telsa Gwynne
- RE: [techtalk] (no subject) Jenny Bailey
- RE: [techtalk] (no subject) Lillis Long
- [techtalk] Please use a descriptive subject l... Eric Richard Turner
- [techtalk] (no subject) arindamC
- Re: [techtalk] Followup (was no subject) Eric Richard Turner
- RE: [techtalk] (no subject) antonxie
- [techtalk] (no subject) penguina
- Re: [techtalk] (no subject) Suhas Pande
- Re: [techtalk] (no subject) Telsa Gwynne
- Re: [techtalk] (no subject) Julie