> Suhas Pande wrote:
> Respested Sir; hello;
> i ve got P!!! 500 MHz,64 Mb SD RAM,i810 E motherboard in my computer.
> I wanted to install Red Hat linux 7.0 version(i ve it's cd).But i am
> facing serious problems in the very begining of the installation.I am
> not been able to boot my computer through the cd rom drive.I have
> tried to boot it from boot diskette,and then i tried linux
> hdX=cdrom by replacing X with other variable.But
> this was'nt working.I have got windows ME so restart in MS dos is not
> available so no way to boot cdrom by autoboot.bat.But
> none of it & other alternatives are wor
Setting the subject line often helps ...
If your computer supports CD-ROM boot, set whatever options are
needed for it to boot from CD, then reboot. Assuming you have
real bootable CD-ROMs it should boot into the installer.
-- Julie (and if that doesn't work I'm at a loss).
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