Bravard, Mark:
>  1) How do you configure an account so that each time you logout the system
> will execute the fortune command and sleep for 15 seconds? 
> 2) Modify the startup file so that each time you log into the system will 
> create a command named "ll". When you type in the command "ll" at the 
> prompt. 
> 3) Create a shell script named "mylogin". The script will execute the `last`
> command and display to the screen a list of all the times you have log into
> techlinux. I want it to display information about your account only. 

This STILL looks like your homework.

man bash(1)
man builtins(1)
man sleep(1)
man last(1)

Magni :)
sash is very good for you.

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