I'm not sure if this is going to make it to the list.. anyways.. 
One of the biggest reasons I stick with debian is it's social contract.. watching 
companies like Redhat charge for thier autoupdates, SUSE not making an installable iso 
image available, and what have you.. I like not having to worry about such things.. 
apt is probably the second biggest reason.. however mandrake is rapidly moving twards 
a clean apt-like structure... I work on lots of remote systems where bringing down 
systems to upgrade to version x.x is NOT a good idea.. Mandrake has always been good 
at using good stuff from other distributions (ie. they use they 
cross-windowmanager-menu system from debian, the alternatives system from debian, and 
rpms from redhat)... until I'm confident that Mandrake systems will upgrade fine 
without reboot and that they won't start locking away upgrades and such I plan to 
stick with debian.  

Btw: big kudos to the Mandrake and Debian folks! you guys rock :)
There is a wonderful essay here:http://www.curious.org/whydebian.html :)

I'll be working on "why not debian" shortly :) 

On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 05:37:49PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, Brian, and everyone else,
> > Well, when RedHat's up2date software (the things that links into their
> > RedHatNetwork; sounds similar to the above functionality) actually WORKS,
> > it's pretty cool.  Problem is, about half the time it's down :(.
> I've found mandrake-update works incredibly well, and is almost always up.
> It too, makes things very, very simple.
> You know, I have to chuckle at the folks who are calling Mandrake a "newbie
> distro".  All the Linux geeks here at work (some of whom have been around
> since Yggdrasil or even 0.x kernels) either run Mandrake, KRUD, or both.
> Methinks there is a significant amount of Debian snobbishness floating
> around, not too unlike the Gnome vs. KDE desktop wars.  Why a distro has to
> be un-user friendly to be cool is beyond me, and that certainly is Debian's
> reputation.  Ditto Slackware, which I have run and like pretty well.
> Regards,
> Cait
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Caitlyn M. Martin             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Systems Analyst              (919) 541-4441
> Lockheed Martin
> (a contractor for the US EPA)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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