On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 05:37:49PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, Brian, and everyone else,
> > Well, when RedHat's up2date software (the things that links into their
> > RedHatNetwork; sounds similar to the above functionality) actually WORKS,
> > it's pretty cool. Problem is, about half the time it's down :(.
> I've found mandrake-update works incredibly well, and is almost always up.
> It too, makes things very, very simple.
> You know, I have to chuckle at the folks who are calling Mandrake a "newbie
> distro". All the Linux geeks here at work (some of whom have been around
> since Yggdrasil or even 0.x kernels) either run Mandrake, KRUD, or both.
> Methinks there is a significant amount of Debian snobbishness floating
> around, not too unlike the Gnome vs. KDE desktop wars. Why a distro has to
> be un-user friendly to be cool is beyond me, and that certainly is Debian's
> reputation. Ditto Slackware, which I have run and like pretty well.
OK you talked me into it;) I'm down-loading the 8.0 iso as I type. I'm
a debian lover. I've used redhat for about 6 months and just didn't
like it as well. I just found the rpm system clunky. I will give
mandrake-update a try and see what I think. I might even post a
What are some of the best things about mandrake that I should be looking
I know debian has this reputation of being user unfriendly but I don't
really see it that way. I also don't see the install as being that
hard, unless you go with the expert mode.
From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
First line of "The Panther" - R. M. Rilke
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