On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 09:05:14AM -0400, Scott wrote:
> So, with that in mind, if guys are not allowed, please tell me know and I
> will leave
> peacefully. Otherwise, my brief introduction and hope to enjoy the
> conversation.
Hi Scott,
Yes men are 'allowed' - the lists are open subscription. Just remember
that Linuxchix is a resource for women, that is, Linuxchix should be a place
in which women can speak freely about technical issues or problems (this list),
gender issues (issues) or chat (grrltalk). It's pretty hard to go wrong if
you're polite and helpful as the website recommends :)
You'll find the most men actively posting on this list, techtalk. There
are men also on grrltalk and issues, the other two discussion lists, but
women seem to post more often compared to men.
If you want to post further meta-list discussion, or stuff about yourself,
you should post to grrltalk, since its off-topic for techtalk and the amount
of off-topicness in the last few days is probably scaring people :)
Have fun,
Mary Gardiner
GPG Key ID: 77625870
techtalk mailing list