Heya --
Quoth prettyphysicslady:
> First to the person who thought that it was foolish to have security
> set at medium on a linux box. rtfm. That is where security should
> be set for a client machine on line. High and paranoid are only for
> servers and render the box useless for everything but solitare.
In my opinion, security settings like this ought to be taken with
a grain of salt. "Medium", "High", "Paranoid", etc. provide good
places for newbies to start, but they are by no means canonical. Nor
are they substitutes for customizing the settings to fit the needs of
your machine. There are desktops that use ssh and PGP and all sorts of
other encryption/security software, and there are servers out there
serving up anonymous wu-ftp'd files to anyone who wants them. The
manual gives guidelines only, not Linux Bibles to thump.
> To the owners of ip # & #, if you continue
> to attempt to break into my computer I will take the time to hunt you
> down... is RFC 1918 private address space. It's not globally
routable. There are probably 300 machines on the internet with as their IP address. And unless they're on your same
local network, you'll never see them or be able to track them down. If
you are unfamiliar with private address space, you can find an
explanation at http://www.geektools.com/rfc/rfc1918.txt
Personal attacks, flaming, and threatening other listmembers is
completely inappropriate. Jenn has consistently been one of the most
helpful and interesting posters on the list over the last year and
change. By attacking her in so petty a manner, you only make yourself
look bad.
If I wanted stupid hacker wars, there's any number of other lists
for that. Let's get back on topic.
"Putting God ahead of the company. Bastards. Isn't there
separation between Church and Internet?"
-- NOC management, trying to get a volunteer to work Sunday
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