i was going to ignore the rest myself ... but a few specific examples i'd
like to point out ..
> Ok,
> I didn't want to join in on this thread but... oh, well here goes.
> Comments are in-line:
> > I would like to address several issues quickly here.
> >
> > First to the person who thought that it was foolish to have security set at
> > medium on a linux box. rtfm. That is where security should be set for a
> > client machine on line. High and paranoid are only for servers and render
> > the box useless for everything but solitare.
> Medium security, especially for a RedHat box is the wrong way to go. It
> leaves your box very insecure. If you've chosen this it's probably because
> you're relatively new to Linux, and that's ok. No reason to get into a war
> about it. After all we all started using it because it's different,
> difficult, and something new to learn.
medium security on any distro i have seen includes no firewall protection
and by default, services such as 'wu.ftpd,' 'finger,' and 'telnet' are
running. come on .. a linux newbie has no idea what inetd is or even that
their new linux box is now an ftp server! without elaborating on any
other specific points, i feel content saying that "medium" security hardly
suffices for a client machine online.
> > To the owners of ip # & #, if you continue to
> > attempt to break into my computer I will take the time to hunt you donw and
> > locate your employer/college and I will send appropriate documentation, log
> > files, and a letter to your respective employer's/school's and inform them.
> ...(edited out)
> Portscanning is not illegal, not even really a bad thing. If you using a
> cable/DSL connection your ISP does it all the time searching for servers
> running. It's not even really the first step to an attack and certainly
> doesn't constitute one.
i don't recall reading that anyone was portscanning .. regardless, it is
illegal to portscan if it violates the contract with your particular ISP
or institution. otherwise, it's not like it's hard to prevent someone
from portscanning your box.
> > To Jenn who thought using 'pretty' in my email address was inappropriate.
> > How about the email you sent to Connie about your triple D tits? His wife
> ... (edited)
> So because someone else acts so immature you feel the need to return that.
> Come on we're not 12 anymore (no offense to any 12yr/olds on the list, you
> probably act more grown up than the rest!)
give me a break.
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