> but seriously, regarding the titles of books ... i don't understand how
> anyone can really care .. if it's an excellent book, should it matter that
> it's titled "linux for the computer illiterate?"  or how about a terrible
> book with a very sophisticated intelligent sounding title?  maybe i'm
> missing the original point of the thread .. but that's how i feel :)

The original point was that I was not -entirely- comfortable with
the title of a group of articles I'm in the process of writing.

I'd hoped for some feedback on the articles. I got rather more
feedback on the /titles/ than I'd wanted - and not as much on
the articles themselves as I'd hoped for. :)

But people seem to enjoy suggesting titles. And there's been some
good suggestions. Thank you.

Jenn V.
     "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture
             you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Jenn Vesperman     http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/

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