> > 2. Yes, I'm using 'layman' rather than 'lay person'. I needed
> > SOMETHING to signify that they're aimed at people who aren't
> > computer specialists, and 'for dummies' and 'idiots guide to'
> > always strikes me as insulting. Given that layman doesn't seem to be in 
> common usage either, I didn't want to mangle it. If anyone has a better idea 
> for a name....

Novice?  Newbie?  When I was in college, lo these many years ago, there
were math and engineering classes that were specifically for "non-major"
so maybe something like "Computer Security for the Non-Admin" or even "The
Non-Geek's Guide..."  

J-Mag Guthrie        /"\  "Even Microsoft's product managers privately 
Brokersys            \ /   concede that this new version, with its 
281-580-3358 (voice)  X    warm-and-fuzzy nickname of Windows Me, 
281-586-0628 (fax)   / \   is not for everyone." -- Dwight Silverman

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