Heya --

> I want something which clearly states that I know it's not 
> necessarily something they *want* to learn. Like I don't want
> motor-mechanics-for-the-novice because I'm not intending to be
> a motor mechanic. 

    [tongue-in-cheek]  Perhaps "for the Unwilling Beginner"? 

>> so maybe something like "Computer Security for the Non-Admin" or
>> even "The Non-Geek's Guide..."  
> To me, non-whatever sounds negative. :/

     How about something positive, then?  "A Practical Guide to...", "A
Down-to-Earth Guide to...", "Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I
Was Learning Computer Security"... [grin]  Okay, that last one's not
serious.  But it would be darn helpful.  I have a small Web page in the
works of "duh!" realizations about networking I've had over the years. 
Things that are so bleedingly obvious, once you already know them.

Painfully learning from experience,

"So what sort of presentation software are you using?"
"Ummm, vi."
"Oh.  Is there a conversion program for that?  I can't read 
 these files in NT.  Maybe you should use Windows."
 -- a recent conversation with our new technical management

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