> 2. Yes, I'm using 'layman' rather than 'lay person'. I needed
> SOMETHING to signify that they're aimed at people who aren't
> computer specialists, and 'for dummies' and 'idiots guide to'
> always strikes me as insulting. Given that layman doesn't seem to be in 
common usage either, I didn't want to mangle it. If anyone has a better idea 
for a name....
> Jenn V.

===As a side note..I would consider "layman" and "mankind" nonsexist, 
actually.  Not sure if the emtymology of the origin is absolutely correct, 
but it is my understanding that the "man" comes from "manu", which means 
"hand"....refering to the fact that us upright bipedal mammals have them.

===So it does not really refer to sexual organs....well, not as they are 
refered to in sexual differentiation....


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