On Sun, 22 Apr 2001 06:02:53 -0400, you wrote:
>We have a small server (literally...it's a Cobalt RaQ, Redhat Linux
>7, etc) hosting about 15 virtual domains/sites at the moment. We
>have this one user who for (I quote) "religious reasons" wants to be
>able to check and send out mail on the server itself, via pine, and
>refuses to use an email client on his personal puter.
>Reading messages is fine, but when he attempts to send out messages,
>pine wants to see a user@originaldomainname (of the server) rather
>than user@virtualdomain, and since it doesn't find it it returns a
>553 error. The question is - is it possible to set up an alias or
>something so that he can send out messages via pine, as
>user@virtualdomain? Or is it just something that can't be done?
Yes! I have a similar problem here; Pine (when I use it) assumes that
since I am user james on machine dax.joh.cam.ac.uk, my e-mail address
MUST be "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" - which it isn't.
Just set the "user-domain" value in the configuration, provided the
username is correct. If the username is different as well, it's a bit
more difficult, but you don't suggest that's the case?
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