That doesn't sound like a pine problem, it sounds like a mail server

Whatever mail server you are using (sendmail, exim, etc) ALSO has to know
about the virtual domains. 

I have several virtual domains on one box and we are able to send mail
seamlessly locally and remotely to all of the @virtual.dom.ain addresses.
I had to tell exim that we deliver mail for all of these addresses and
then set up the MX for all of those addresses to point to the original


At 06:02 on Apr 22, Makiko Itoh combined all the right letters to say:

> We have a small server ('s a Cobalt RaQ, Redhat Linux 
> 7, etc)  hosting about 15 virtual domains/sites at the moment. We 
> have this one user who for (I quote) "religious reasons" wants to be 
> able to check and send out mail on the server itself, via pine, and 
> refuses to use an email client on his personal puter.
> Reading messages is fine, but when he attempts to send out messages, 
> pine wants to see a user@originaldomainname (of the server) rather 
> than user@virtualdomain, and since it doesn't find it it returns a 
> 553 error. The question is - is it possible to set up an alias or 
> something so that he can send out messages via pine, as 
> user@virtualdomain? Or is it just something that can't be done?
> Makiko Itoh (Maki)
> PRODOK Engineering, Switzerland:
> [building bridges for information]
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