Akkana and James, thanks for your advice!

Well this user seems to be truly paranoid. He doesn't have *any* 
email client on his local computer, and checks all his mail via 
another server in pine.

He's rapidly getting to be somewhat of an annoyance, since now he 
wants to set up forwarding with a subject prefix with a procmail 
script. (why didn't he tell me he wanted the mail to be forwarded 
inthe first place?? grrrr) Now...I am not happy with this, for 
various reasons (the primarily one is,this server hosts several sites 
and 70+ users, and he's not even a primary account holder - basically 
just a buddy of one of the primary account holders) and I've already 
spent way too much time on complying to his requests. I can easily 
set up forwarding for him with aliases, but I'm trying to find an 
argument for not using procmail scripts. Are there any I could throw, 
er,   communicate to him (something about security would be nice) 
that would be a good argument for not setting up a procmail script 
just for him?


At 3:01 PM -0700 4/23/01, Akkana wrote:
>Makiko Itoh writes:
>>  I wonder if anyone else has faced this argument about not wanting to
>>  download mail because of a fear of email viruses?   It seems a bit
>>  overparanoid to me....
>Yes, it seems a bit paranoid (since you don't get viruses from
>downloading the mail, you get them from reading messages with a
>mail reader set to do things automatically in response to messages).
>I read mail with mutt (another command-line reader like Pine).
>At work, reading mail on the server is not an option.
>But we do have the option of asking for our mail to be forwarded
>somewhere rather than using POP or IMAP to get it from the server.
>So I forward to my linux box, and use a command-line reader locally.
>If I couldn't forward, I'd use a linux POP client (there are
>several) to download mail from the server to my /var/spool.
>If your user is on Windows and can't find any local mail reading
>programs that he trusts, then if he's that paranoid about email
>viruses, you might suggest to him that Linux is MUCH safer in
>that respect, and installing Linux might be the best security
>update he ever made. :-)
>       ...Akkana       http://www.shallowsky.com
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