Telsa Gwynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you actually spent the money, isn't there some form of support in
> that? 

Yeah. They say they will respond to two emails. Hrmph. I am not holding my
breath for a fix. But man, I don't just have $30 laying around to blow
for the hell of it, you know?

> Telsa, who paid more for Debian than for Mandrake :) 

Noo.... I can't buy any more... Free! Free! As in Free Beer.

-- Avery, the poor college student who will have to live on peanut butter
and ramen to support his increasingly expensive linux habit, and could
really use some free beer.

     A Kozic        | "Spare some change so I can
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |    get a new distro?"

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