I think most NETGEAR cards use the DEC tulip driver.  Mine does at least.

- Kath

----- Original Message -----
From: "dez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 2:21 AM
Subject: [techtalk] how do I add an unlisted network card to mandrake 7.2?

> Hiya Ppls,
>               I have a Netgear (fa311) pci network card that is not in the
> network card list...
> I cant get the network device tool to run in harddrake because the system
> not picked up that there is a card in the system.
> I have the necessary drivers for the card.
> The card does not work on any other generic setting i.e. ne2000
> i did read somewheres how to put a new card in but now after scouring
> countless readme 's and howto's i cant find it....
> any ideas would be greatly appreciated thanx....
> desiree
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