On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Kriselda Jarnsaxa wrote:
> I'm
> not familiar with the Mandrake 7.2 configuration/setup sequence, but it
> sounds a LOT like the "Recommended" mode on Mandrake 8.  I've found that
> using the "Expert" setting gives me a LOT more control, and it still offers
> warnings if you're about to do something really stupid.

I was really hoping that would do it, but when I try to run it in expert
mode, it does the *exact* same install process as "normal" mode. There is
alos this funny bug (in any mode) that if you type in mismatched passwords
while setting up an account in the installer, it will continue to tell you
they are mismatched no matter how many times you type correctly matched
passwords in. You have to pick "no password" to get past it.

Now I'm really stumped. If I can't run in expert mode what I I supposed to

-- Avery

     A Kozic        | "You know, I've been wondering 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |     all evening... *blush* 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Do you have indoor plumbing?"

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