Damian Brazendale wrote:

> I have a new P.C. (Dixons E Machine 866 dvd) running windows M.E. With
> the Pentium lll 866 Mhz processor.  The P.C. came pre-installed with
> Microsoft Works and this suite works well with factory set conditions,
> with no other software installed.   However when I install ANY printer
> driver it causes problems with the Wksdb file.  I initially installed
> a Hewlett Packard 640C and when I came across this problem I changed
> it for a Epson Stylus 680, both have resulted in the same problem. I
> have now installed all my additional software with no problems to the
> Wksdb file, but the very second I install the printer driver, I get
> trouble!

Hi, Damian,

You wrote this request to a *Linux* support list, not a Microsoft one.
You will be pleased to know, however, that my Mom has a somewhat older E
Machines PC than yours, and it supports Linux beautifully.  OK, the
winmodem rots, but it does work.  There are many things out there much
better than Microsoft Works and Microsoft Windows ME.  So... if it were
my system:  I'd format the hard drive and install Linux-Mandrake 8.0,
and use the very nice KOffice suite, or perhaps Star Office, rather than
Works.  Of course, that's me.

What kind of an answer did you expect on a Linux group???

Good luck!

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