I have a new P.C. (Dixons E Machine 866
dvd) running windows M.E. With the Pentium lll 866 Mhz processor.
The P.C. came pre-installed with Microsoft Works and this suite works well
with factory set conditions, with no other software installed.
However when I install ANY printer driver it causes problems with the
Wksdb file. I initially installed a Hewlett Packard 640C and when I came
across this problem I changed it for a Epson Stylus 680, both have resulted in
the same problem.
I have now installed all my additional software
with no problems to the Wksdb file, but the very second I install the printer
driver, I get trouble!
The problem arises when I click on "Home
Inventory work sheets" then click "Start", I get an Error Message that
reads " Wksdb has caused an error in WKSDB.EXE. Wksdb will now close"
When I click O.K. It goes back to Works, but then a cascade of problems starts
and eventually results in my P.C. crashing to DOS then a complete
If I stay clear of the Works Database file I have
No problems using my computer for any task, and it works fine
Can you help me solve this problem as my
software "Help Line" after a whole week on the phone has failed to
correct this problem.
Yours Hopefully, Mr D