I feel compelled to contribute anecdotally..
On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 11:48:02AM -0400, Kath wrote:
> They are putting new windows in the area where the T1 line
> enters our school building. They UNHOOKED the T1 line and
> left it dangling from a nearby telephone pole. Actually I
> surely hope it was unhooked and not cut. These
> construction workers have cut the fiber optic runs inside
> the building prior to this over the summer. Oi vey :\
Sometime in July 1999, we lost the T1 (at my
last place of employ) because someone with an
auger did this behind the building:
...realized what they'd done, *buried* it and
didn't report it. It took hours to locate and
even more hours to repair (which is what the
photo is really of - the Bell Repair Tech
working on the 2 mangled trunks of lines)...
The worst was that it occured within a 2-week
time period that also included a transformer
explosion (worker being reckless with a fork
lift, apparently) at a major downtown CO (all
lines in a big chunk of downtown Toronto were
unavailable all day) and a condo construction
site cutting a smaller line, which only
affected some lines in the building where I
worked at the time, including my previous
employer's T1...
Mercury was retrograde, too!
Erin 8)
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