Heya --

Quoth Kath:
> They UNHOOKED the T1 line and left it dangling from a nearby
> pole.  Actually I surely hope it was unhooked and not cut.

     This happens all the time.  Construction crews will routinely down
data lines through "backhoe engineering".  Whoever is responsible for
the T1 should call the telco that you provisioned it through, give them
the circuit ID for the T1, and tell them what happened.  They should be
able to dispatch and fix it -- how fast will depend on the SLA (Service
Level Agreement) that you have with your provider, but even the slowest
should be no more than a few days.  (I know, should be.  Not is.)


"Pl.  The mint with the hl."
"Polo.  The mint with the hole."
"Oh!  I thought it was 'Perl.  The mint with the bi.'"
 -- RavenBlack and me, while I was sugar crashing

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