On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 02:16:51PM -0700, Raven, in Sumerian haze wrote:
>      This happens all the time.  Construction crews will routinely down
> data lines through "backhoe engineering".  Whoever is responsible for
> the T1 should call the telco that you provisioned it through, give them
> the circuit ID for the T1, and tell them what happened.  They should be
> able to dispatch and fix it -- how fast will depend on the SLA (Service
> Level Agreement) that you have with your provider, but even the slowest
> should be no more than a few days.  (I know, should be.  Not is.)

Raven's absolutely right!  I think my favorite T1 going down due to some type of
fiber cut was when one of our DS3s in one of the worse parts of Washington D.C.
actually got a bullet hole through it.  (Guess /someone/ didn't like our

I wish I were making this stuff up. :)


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