On 0, Shari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm about to begin an installation of Redhat 7.0 on my Dell Laptop (Inspiron 3700).
> I've attempted this before, unsuccessfully with RH 6.0. Had display problems and
> couldn't get my dsl working. But I digress.
> I've been away from Linux for awhile, and I wouldn't call myself an OS/HW guru by
> any means. My question is what is the hw support like for USB? I have a USB CD-RW
> drive, that I can't seem to get running in Win2k. I haven't seen my model on
> RedHat's HCL site.
> Is this an ill-fated exercise? Is anyone doing this?
I don't know what kernel you have, but the 2.2.18 does have kernel support
in it. You will have to compile a new kernel, enabling the USB support. If you
have a Linux expert near you, ask him/her to help you with the kernel compile.
Linux is never an ill-fated excercise!! Win2K is!!! I had similar experience
with existing HW and Win2k incompatibility.
Good luck with Linux USB.
Subba Rao
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