Redhat 7.0 does come with USB support. It auto-detected the USB port
during my installing with no problems. I was planning on using it with my
new Diamond Rio, but then I read somewhere that the drivers had the
possibility of wiping out memory on my Rio. Needless to say, I'm not using
it with Linux.
On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Betsy wrote:
|i think i remember that RH doesn't support USB... could be wrong tho.
|anybody know for sure?
|-----Original Message-----
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Shari
|Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 8:40 AM
|Subject: [techtalk] USB Support?
|I'm about to begin an installation of Redhat 7.0 on my Dell Laptop (Inspiron
|I've attempted this before, unsuccessfully with RH 6.0. Had display
|problems and
|couldn't get my dsl working. But I digress.
|I've been away from Linux for awhile, and I wouldn't call myself an OS/HW
|guru by
|any means. My question is what is the hw support like for USB? I have a
|drive, that I can't seem to get running in Win2k. I haven't seen my model
|RedHat's HCL site.
|Is this an ill-fated exercise? Is anyone doing this?
|Thanks in advance
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