i know a lot of gimpers have usb wacoms running. something about a kernel fix to get usb working. sorry i dont know more. im not the vat of unlimited URLs that telsa is. _______________________________________________ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linux.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/techtalk
- [techtalk] USB Support? Shari
- RE: [techtalk] USB Support? Betsy
- RE: [techtalk] USB Support? Tricia Bowen
- Re: [techtalk] USB Support? Telsa Gwynne
- Re: [techtalk] USB Support? Rebecca J. Walter
- Re: [techtalk] USB Support? Mandi
- RE: [techtalk] USB Support? Ms. Piglet
- Re: [techtalk] USB Support? Subba Rao