On Wed, 09 Aug 2000, C. M. Martin wrote:

> I have an IBM NetFinity 1000 running Caldera OpenLinux 2.4.  The system needs
> to be dual-homed, and the system seems to recognize both ethernet cards.  One
> is on eth0, IRQ11, and is working properly.  Network connectivity is just fine.
> The other is eth1, IRQ10, different I/O memory range from the first card.  The
> box can ping itself at that address, but can't see any other box on that
> network, and nothing on that net can see this box.  
> I went into the network settings with COAS and found that the default gateway
> wasn't set on eth1.  I tried setting it, but the system would not save the new
> settings.  Sometimes it gives me a python error saying it cannot communicate
> with the network, sometimes not.  It reads:
> Error when executing command ip-config change eth1
> the command produced the following output:
> SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
> eth1: initialization failed

It's probably a routing problem. Here's how to fix/troubleshoot it
interactively, though I don't know how to fix it with COAS.

Run "/sbin/route" and see what it gives you ("man route" if you need help
understanding what it says). Ifconfig just sets up the IP on the card; it
doesn't tell the kernel which interface to send packets through in order to get
to a certain net.  The kernel needs to know:

- that it can send packets to eth1 to get to itself
- that it can send packets to eth1 to get to the rest of the world.

IIRC, that means you need to do something like:

# /sbin/route add -host $IP_FOR_ETH1 eth1
# /sbin/route add -net default gw $YOUR_GATEWAY netmask $YOUR_NETMASK eth1

Let me know if this works; I haven't tested it, but I was playing with this
yesterday, so it's fairly fresh in my head.

Shane R. Landrum + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Software/Systems Engineer
------------------ www.ainnovations.com ----- Anansi Innovations --

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