----- Original Message -----
From: Caitlyn M. Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [techtalk] KDE / OpenSource

> That doesn't work in the business world, unfortunately.  People would
> probably learn better and more quickly if it did.
> I had the rug pulled out from under me the day before I was supposed to
> start my new job, and I, in my anger and frustration, decided to go back
> running my own business.

Wow, does that hit a harpstring for me! I can relate Caitlyn. I come from a
PC background, and I have been in business for myself as a PC Tech
consultant doing upgrades, repairs etc... for the home and small business
market. I did that for 2 years full time, after which I wanted more
experience in networking and more $'s ;) So, I went back into the twisted
Corp World and worked my way up to IS Director supporting 7 facilities, 2
Programmers and a PC Trainer. However, I live in a rural area where Linux is
barely even heard of.

Now, I have an SO I am trying to get to, and have been interviewing in more
metro areas. I have also been busting my butt to learn linux, php, & MySql
not only to make myself more marketable, but because I actually enjoy it.
Over the past month or so, I have been interviewing for various positions.
It is the most frustrating experience I have ever gone through. One classic
example is I interviewed for a position that didn't even exist! This chick
had no clue of what open source software even was. I am not one to give up,
but I am with you. It's back out on my own again for me! Marketing is going
to be my middle name! LOL


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