On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 10:41:13PM -0400, Caitlyn M. Martin wrote:
> > Gnome 2.0 will have Evolution, the Outlook clone.
> I *hate* Outlook, so that isn't likely to sell me on Gnome :) I
> loved PMMail, so having something that functions a *lot* like that
> does helps sell me on KDE2 :) The whole Gnome vs. KDE war, licensing
> aside, will eventually devolve to little more than personal
> preference.  There are very talented coders in both teams producing
> ever nicer code.

I don't like Outlook either, but Evolution is pushing some new
technology Gnome technology.  

> > But I have a working mail reader.  Mutt, which is highly
> > configurable curses (or slang) based mail reader.  Using procmail,
> > I sort my mail into directories, and from there it can thread the
> > emails as if they were news messages.  Quiet nice.
> Yep, but kmail does all of that, and it's got a nice, graphical
> front end.  To me, that makes it nicer.

My mail account has IMAP access, no POP3.  However since during the
day I may be logged into 5 different machines, I need to have my mail
in one location.  I simply login and read the mail from the mail
spool.  As text clients go it's among the best.  I can have special
hooks based on regular expressions, so I can appear to have another
email address when replying to you for example, my sig can be
specially tailored, FCC the mail to a special directory... etc.

> > I have no problem with eye candy :)
> Nor do I, until it starts to hamper performance.  Try running E on
> my five year old notebook (P90, 40 MB RAM) and see what I mean :)

Uh no. :)

     Dan Nguyen     |  It is with true love as it is with ghosts;
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  everyone talks of it, but few have seent it.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |                -Maxime De La Rochefoucauld

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