I'm getting jealous of all the folks on Motley Fool that use Quicken.
This is the first time that missing out on something Windows-ish has
actually made me seriously reconsider my Unix-only lifestyle. Actually,
it has only driven me far enough to consider running a windows emulator :)
Or, one of the emulators that just emulates the machine - I own a copy of
Windows, so I can always install it in the emulator...
So, help! Anyone have experience, tips, or URL/mailing list pointers
regarding the following issues:
. running an emulator under Linux or (long shot here) FreeBSD
. running Quicken inside an emulator - problems?
. the emulators run under X, right? The thought of SSH'ing an X window
containing the emulator running Quicken at home onto my screen at work
just makes me start grinning and laughing maniacally (in a good way!)
Thanks! And hi to the folx I met at the first and only DC linuxchix
meeting back in, what, June?
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