Actually sweetie, it's an actual fact. They DO do that.
There was NO right to call me an idiot. 'Conferenceing'
my butt-cheeks. They futz about as much as we do.
~ wirren
p.s. take a pill.
Robert Wade wrote:
> wirren made an unfair generalazation:
> 'At work they've decided to be facist and exclude the
> sales folks from surfing the net in our spare time (all
> the techies are downloading porn and napster, and here
> we are not allowed to check out joke sites and goof
> off.) '
> I'm sorry, but I just can't not respond to this one. This thing about
> 'techies' dling porn and napster seems like a bit of an unfair
> generalization and just asking for a flame. We do not _just_ use our net
> connections for porn and music, and even so, that's better than your
> fifteen megs of stupid e-mail forwarded jokes a month.
> The reason that the idiots (you call us techies, I call you idiots) are
> probably being restricted from the outside internet is because there is
> really no reason at all to have y'all connected, all you really do is
> use the dbase to sell stuff, right? We techies need to confer with
> colegues (not neccessarily in the organization) with code questions and
> possible solutions we're having, such as how to get a new network
> interface to work with the existing set up because of all the
> inter-office forwarding going on.
> I think this is just your sour grapes
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