Hi, Carla,
I use Caldera 2.4 (mostly) and Red Hat 6.0 on one machine. I use KPPP. I
had no problems whatsoever getting my dialup to work well.
> In RH 6.1 I had to install ppp & start from scratch. Same symptom every
> one: it dials, "ppp daemon dies unexpectedly."
I got that and had to change one of my settings. Check all your modem
settings, as well as your DNS settings as provided by the ISP. This
*should* be easy to correct.
> In fact I am majorly peeved
> with RH 6.1, sucker shipped with a lot of glitches.
Yeah, that release, and three good Caldera releases in a row got me to
change distros. I understand Red Hat 6.2 is better, though.
I don't know what your specific problem is. A lot depends on the ISP.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
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