Hi Carla,
To be honest, I have been using RH6.0 through 6.2 and have no problems
with ppp. I used the netcfg utility to set up the interface and ensure
that iwas configured to come up at boot time. When I belonged to
sprint, they would allow unlimited internet access in 5 hour
increments. Once the 5 hours were up they would disconnect you. RH ppp
recognized the break right away and happily re-dialed for a connection.
Worked every time for two years.
Carla Schroder wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been testing the above 3 distros, and with every single one getting
> dial-up networking to work is a serious hassle. KPPP does not do the job,
> nor does the RH PPP dialer. For every one I have to dig into the guts of
> the system (hurrah for "Running Linux"!).
> In RH 6.1 I had to install ppp & start from scratch. Same symptom every
> one: it dials, "ppp daemon dies unexpectedly." In fact I am majorly peeved
> with RH 6.1, sucker shipped with a lot of glitches.
> It seems I am not the only one with this difficulty, the vendor newsgroups
> are full of similar tales of woe. I also hear from people who get up and
> running easily, using KPPP. It seems the vendors would want to make
> connecting to the Internet as no-brainer as possible, given they are trying
> to expand their markets, and getting online is job 1 for most users. My
> expectation is to input the usual information- login, password, DNS
> servers, and dialup number- Then connect and surf happily. (Except for
> poopy ole Netscape, but that rant is for another day.)
> As I have finally gotten connected with all 3, I was wondering if anyone
> has some insights to offer. Is there a common procedure I am missing? Has
> anyone gotten setup successfully just using KPPP or RH PPP dialer? Is it an
> ISP thing?
> Thanks very much,
> =========================
> Carla Schroder
> www.bratgrrl.com
> Ace PC Goddess
> =========================
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