At 20:55 20/02/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Samantha Atkins wrote:
>> Also, I am using Netscape 4.7 Communicator for email.  Does anyone know
>> if it has a habit of sometimes losing mail?  I tried using kmail but it
>I have used evey version of Netscape since 3.0 in Linux. I have never
>had a mail error due to it. I use the 4.7 final package from
>Mandrakesoft for all my RH based WS's. Some versions are a little buggy,
>and the version for Red Hat 6.1 is flakey to say the least. If it bugged
>out during a message trasnfer, I guess it could loose a piece of mail,
>but usually the files are never removed from a server until the remote
>has sent a confirmation of reciept. 

I have had cause to think that same as Samantha.  On closer observation, I
found that if I used say pine to read messages on a server but left them
there ( just read do not dl messages) then at home retreived messages from
the server (dl them)  The ones that pine opened for reading would not dl.
I have since changed the way I do business.  I now use netscape all the
time.  When at work I want to read the mail but not dl them.  At home I dl
from the server so I have a complete log of messages.  Now **all** messages
get dl'd when requested and I am not missing any.



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