Hey everyone, this needs to be moved to either issues or grrltalk...

Some of us could be complex computer programs living on a kick ass server
connected to an OC-12. Woo hoo! AIs make the best h4X0rs! ;)

On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, srl wrote:

 > On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Tania Morell wrote:
 > > > Rik
 > > >
 > >
 > > It really is very hard to decipher who is male and
 > > female by their name.  Some names are not so obvious.
 > > Sorry about this but if you had spelled your name with
 > > a 'c', I may have assumed one thing.
 > why does it matter who's male, female, or other? I'd have to say
 > that one of my personal goals as a feminist is to have gender
 > not matter at all... but some of you seem to feel differently.
 > can you explain why?
 > shane
 > ************
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Bad Mojo <RPS Figurehead, ThinkPad Pope, SysAdmin>
"When I need to I hit people with the largest weapon I can find: the Earth."

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