On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 07:55:52PM -0000, Ian Phillips wrote:
> > You might want to take a look at MySQL. We use it in combination with
> > the DBI perl module.
> Bur if by "real" database you mean a genuine RDBMS then both mSQL and mySQL fail the
>test. One of the reasons that they are so fast is that a lot of functionality is
>missing from them. Have a look though, and see what you need.
> DBD/DBI are wonderful tools though, and have the advantage that if you can write
>your UI using these then it will make transitioning to a larger DBMS next time much
>less painful.
Those who are looking for a free solution that's more robust than MySQL
might want to take a look at PostgreSQL. It ships with redhat, and supports
a lot of the cooler things that MySQL doesn't (subselects, transactions,
I'm in the process of converting my MySQL stuff over to Postgres. :)
Aaron Malone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
System Administrator
Poplar Bluff Internet, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org