On Mon, 03 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> Working on my first resolution - to get a "real"
> database system running. Our existing database to
> date consists of bunches of flatfiles and directory
> filesystems. Access is through perl scripts/html
> pages. I would like to get a more formal database
> system going (and moved from the old SUN box to new
> linux box) as our volume will soon overrun what we
> have now. So I'm looking for suggestions as to
> everyones favorite database and access
> programs/protocols etc. Any pros/cons appreciated.
If you don't mind paying a few bucks (after the initial trial
period is over), Sybase SQLAnywhere is a half-decent database.
Have heard many good things about it, although I wouldn't
recommend it for very large business-critical applications
(multiple millions of row and thousands of tables). And, of
course, there is always Oracle, which follows the fine unix
tradition - it is rock-solid when you set it up right, the
problem is getting it set up right :)
Gregory Conron
DBA - Iotek Engineering
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org