That would be interesting to see heterosexual/bisexual female specific
themes for any windowmanager, unless I am not looking hard enough :)

On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Britta Koch wrote:

> Hi!
> > I _like_ the Ice theme. I'll stick with a different theme until I next get
> > around to upgrading, and see if Ice works then...
> I had the problem once when I was writing a theme myself - only the
> paths to the cursor pix were broken (but that was way back in 0.15 ...)
> If you _really really_ want to use the Ice theme, I could try and help
> you fix it (currently working on my 2nd e theme, but too little time to
> publish it soon ... if I ever do, I might include some pix of naked
> males ;) ... not seriously). So, if you're interested, I could help you
> offlist...
> miLady
> -- 
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Jennifer M. Woodard             Systems Engineer 
e.spire Communications           CyberGate, Inc.
954.429.8072                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"True Intelligence lies not in the quickness of 
wit but rather in persistence, if you don't hang 
in there you'll never know"
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