Ingrid Schupbach wrote:
> I had this problem, too. My theory is that it's related to Enlightenment.
> I used to get this problem until I changed two things: a) I upgraded to
> the new version of Enlightenment and b) I changed my theme (I was using
> something called Ice* (IceK?)). When I had the problem, I could fix it by
> switching out of the etheme I was running and then switching back - in the
> process of this re-launching my cursor would become a pointer. Now, with
> the upgrade and the new theme, relaunching no longer means loosing my
> pointer.
> I hope this helps.
Thank you Ingrid (and Laurel!)
Yes, I had the Ice theme. Yes, changing the theme has fixed it - thank
you Ingrid.
I _like_ the Ice theme. I'll stick with a different theme until I next get
around to upgrading, and see if Ice works then...
And thanks Laurel - the questions are good ones, although I suspect that
since Ingrid and I had the same problem it's a thing with the Ice theme.
Le sigh...
Jenn V.
Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman