Britta Koch wrote:
> Hi!
> > I _like_ the Ice theme. I'll stick with a different theme until I next get
> > around to upgrading, and see if Ice works then...
> I had the problem once when I was writing a theme myself - only the
> paths to the cursor pix were broken (but that was way back in 0.15 ...)
> If you _really really_ want to use the Ice theme, I could try and help
> you fix it (currently working on my 2nd e theme, but too little time to
> publish it soon ... if I ever do, I might include some pix of naked
> males ;) ... not seriously). So, if you're interested, I could help you
> offlist...

We've upgraded to the latest version of Enlightenment (and doublechecked 
that the themes were suitably updated!). if this fixes it, great, if not 
I can either go to another theme or dig around myself. :)

Thank you for the offer, though!

Jenn V.
  Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species 
     for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jenn Vesperman


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