On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Beverly Guillermo wrote:

> I'm running Slackware and Redhat right now.  I've never heard
> of dreadrat?  It sounds interesting though..  Slackware does

<giggle> that would be red hat :) I like red hat, it's just more fun to be
an equal-opportunity-insulter :) I tend to use red hat because I know it,
and since I have a tendency to recompile everything anyway (right up to
and including the bin-utils, depending on my mood and what the box is
going to be doing) so I don't usually get too freaked out about the
occasional problem with it.

> can even write up your own runlevel setting. =)  You just
> have to write the appropriate startup scripts.  Cool. =}

see, I love that. infinetly tweakable everything...tweak tweak tweak

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!W M V po--- Y++ t+ 5 jx R G' !tv b+++ !D B e* u** h-- f+ r n---- z? 

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