> It may be time to slap your forehead, roll your eyes skywards, and utter an > expletive. I think Dead Rat is rhyming slang for a certain popular distro. Or > were you joking about not having heard of it? Apologies if that's the case :-) > > - Kev I'm serious, either I've heard of it and don't remember it anymore, or I've never heard it. *ducks* =) Beverly ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [techtalk] runlevels & distributions Beverly Guillermo
- Re: [techtalk] runlevels & distributions kev
- Re: [techtalk] runlevels & distributions Beverly Guillermo
- Re: [techtalk] runlevels & distributio... Amanda June Harter
- Re: [techtalk] runlevels & distrib... Steve Kudlak
- Re: [techtalk] runlevels & di... Gail Allinson
- [techtalk] DeadRat and other pet names ;) Amanda Knox
- Re: [techtalk] DeadRat and other pet n... Beverly Guillermo
- Re: [techtalk] runlevels & distributions Dakota Surmonde